Ans:1.Elizabeth Wilson在哥倫比亞大學開始科學性分析皮紋狀態,運用統計學方法,調查精神分裂症,低智力者 和正常人三種族群之差異。
2.H. Cummings在期刊上發表"無首畸形人之皮紋構造"論文。
3.H. Cummings 最早在期刊上報導有關先天愚型(唐氏症Down)病人特異的皮紋特徵。
4.Dr. Charlotte Wolff 在1940~1950年間對犯法者手上特徵,尤其在小指上提供非常多統計分析的資料。
5.Dr. Yigal Ginath & MS. Yael Haft-Pomrack研究精神分裂者和正常人皮紋之差異。
6.Beryl Hutchison 在皮紋上有重要的醫學發現;Walter Sorrel則在癌症病人的皮紋有有趣的發現和觀察。
7.Dr. Theodore J. Berry在1963年出版醫學教科書,發表有關手上診斷之線索。
8.Dr. Eugene Scheimann在1969年提供皮紋之徵兆和醫學檢驗、證據之關連。
11.Bagga在1989年發表精神分裂症之皮紋狀態,並確認皮紋在生理和心理學是不可取代 、極有價值的觀察。
Ans:1、"Study of Palmistry for Professional Purpose and Advanced Purpose"- Comt C.de Saint-Germain, Kessinger Publishing,LLC.1897
2、"Medical Palmistry",Katherine St. Hill,1929
3、"The Hand As a mirror of Systemic Disease",Theodore J. Berry, M.D. F.A.C.P.,1963
4、"The Doctor's Guide to Better Health Through Palmistry", Eugene Scheimann, 1969
5、"Hand of Clinical Dermatoglyphs," Musallam S. Elbualy & Joan D. Schinderler, University of Miami Press 1971
6、"The Science of Palmistry" ,Eugene Lawrence-Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner &Co., Ltd, 1973
7、"Dermatoglyphics in Medical Disorders", Blanka Schauman & Milton Alter, -New York:Springer-Verlag1976
8、"Dermatoglyphics" an International Perspective Jamshed Mavalwala editor, 1978
9、"Hand Psychology", Andrew Fitzherbert, 1989
10、"Dermatoglyphics of Schizophrenics", Amrita Bagga, --New Delhi:Mittal Publications , 1989
11、"Trends in Dermatoglyphics Research", Norris M. Durham, Chris C. Plato, edited.---Kluwer Academic Publishers 1990
12、"The Learning Revolution", Jeannette Vos & Gordon Dryden, 1994
13、"Palm Therapy" Program your mind through your palms, Moshe Zwang -Ultimated mind Publisher.1995
14、"The Art of Hand Reading", Lori Reid, 1996
15、"The Encyclopedia of Palmistry", Edward D. Campbell, 1996
16、"The Emotional Brain", Joseph LeDaux , 1996
17、"The Science of Fingerprints", U.S. Department of Justice F.B.I.
18、"從皮紋看健康", 文宥, 1997
19、"Frames of Mind", Howard Gardner, 1998
20、"手紋與人體科學",林朗暉、林桐峰, 1999